We got the Gus and the other two male puppies that came up from Nebraska as part of the rescue. Gus, Rudy and Buddy were similar but different. Gus is for sure the more muscular one and fastest. Rudy was a little shorter but still muscular. Gus and Rudy were fostered together. Buddy is the more golden looking of the three. All three had a great time in the back yard running, barking, playing, and resting.
Couple of trips this fall took us to Ohio for everyone's 65th birthday party from the class of 72 and then off to Iceland for a 4 days. Drove back to Ohio and was good trip. Stopped around Chicago to see Jane. Good to connect with old friends.
Iceland was fun but didn't see the northern lights. Walked around the town and saw a lot. The trip around the "golden circle" was pretty cool. Saw the tectonic plates, geysers, some awesome waterfalls (large and small) volcano bowl.
Iceland was fun but didn't see the northern lights. Walked around the town and saw a lot. The trip around the "golden circle" was pretty cool. Saw the tectonic plates, geysers, some awesome waterfalls (large and small) volcano bowl.
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