So I watch cycling races via TIZ-cycling and they use chatango engine to chat with other cycling folks. Like anyhting else, there are scammers out there looking for someone easy to hit on. So will watching todays race, Momphalion from Nigeria contacted me and below is the chat session. I enjoyed the race while at the same time wasting his time! got all of his banking information anyway, plus wasted his time while i enjoyed the race!
oh yea - was reported to chagango admins to ban this sucker!
Momphalion, M, 42, Nigeria
momphalion (9:26:53 AM): Hello do you want to gain wealth power and famous in life earn more than 300.0000 usd $ as monthly payment join the great illuminati brotherhood
jim0426 (9:30:31 AM): of course - who wouldn't!
jim0426 (9:31:02 AM): what kind of deal you talking about?
momphalion (9:31:30 AM): Illuminati
jim0426 (9:31:41 AM): what is that?
momphalion (9:32:20 AM): Illuminati is an elite organization that bless man kind to be kind to become millionaire and billionaire
momphalion (9:32:34 AM): Earn more than 300.0000$ as monthly payment
jim0426 (9:32:41 AM): wow - seems unreal
momphalion (9:33:11 AM): Am real
momphalion (9:33:21 AM): You heard about my name mompha
jim0426 (9:33:54 AM): who is it ? what does it entail?
momphalion (9:35:01 AM): You want to make your dream come true join the great illuminati brotherhood today and gain wealth power and famous in life earn more than 300.0000 USD as Monthly payment join the great illuminati brotherhood today
jim0426 (9:35:18 AM): what is the brotherhood?
jim0426 (9:35:21 AM): never heard of it
momphalion (9:35:46 AM): Once you join the great illuminati brotherhood today
momphalion (9:35:53 AM): You know more
jim0426 (9:37:33 AM): what is the great illuminati brotherhood
momphalion (9:38:00 AM): Is an elite organization that bless man kind to become millionaire and billionaire
9:38:23 AM: momphalion is now on mobile
9:38:26 AM: momphalion is now online
jim0426 (9:38:46 AM): how did i get asked about this?
jim0426 (9:38:50 AM): who is in it?
momphalion (9:39:01 AM): We are brother
jim0426 (9:39:35 AM): who is we?
momphalion (9:40:18 AM): Bahoohet
9:40:53 AM: momphalion is now on mobile
9:40:55 AM: momphalion is now online
momphalion (9:41:27 AM): You want to join?
jim0426 (9:41:57 AM): bahoohet?
momphalion (9:42:06 AM): Yes
momphalion (9:42:11 AM): Illuminati
jim0426 (9:42:18 AM): what is tht
momphalion (9:42:42 AM): Ilkuminati
jim0426 (9:42:42 AM): who belongs to this?
momphalion (9:43:17 AM): Me
jim0426 (9:43:29 AM): who else
momphalion (9:43:34 AM): Mark
momphalion (9:43:37 AM): Larry
momphalion (9:43:40 AM): Jude
momphalion (9:43:43 AM): Savior
momphalion (9:43:49 AM): Comsos
jim0426 (9:43:50 AM): mark who
jim0426 (9:44:01 AM): i dont recognize them
momphalion (9:44:03 AM): They are all over the world
momphalion (9:44:09 AM): You can't know them
momphalion (9:44:13 AM): Jay z
jim0426 (9:44:14 AM): why?
momphalion (9:44:26 AM): Unless you become a member
jim0426 (9:44:31 AM): jay z?
jim0426 (9:44:39 AM): i am retired
jim0426 (9:44:51 AM): what does it cost
momphalion (9:45:37 AM): It cost nothing
jim0426 (9:45:39 AM): how doyou join?
momphalion (9:45:51 AM): You only have to be dedicated
jim0426 (9:45:59 AM): for what?
momphalion (9:46:23 AM): You must be initiated and this will require some items for your successful initiation that will take place in the headquarters
jim0426 (9:47:38 AM): where is headquaters?
jim0426 (9:47:44 AM): what is initiated?
jim0426 (9:47:50 AM): what items?
9:47:57 AM: momphalion is now online
jim0426 (9:49:00 AM): can i tell my wife?
momphalion (9:49:11 AM): No
jim0426 (9:49:18 AM): why?
momphalion (9:49:25 AM): It a secret
jim0426 (9:49:33 AM): but we trust each othere
momphalion (9:49:38 AM): Once you join you can let her onow
momphalion (9:49:45 AM): Not now
jim0426 (9:49:46 AM): ah ok
jim0426 (9:49:49 AM): ok
jim0426 (9:50:08 AM): where is the headquarters?
jim0426 (9:50:12 AM): do i have to travel?
jim0426 (9:50:28 AM): what is inititiated? what items?
momphalion (9:50:51 AM): You don't need to travrl
momphalion (9:51:06 AM): There is an agent who will represent you
jim0426 (9:51:24 AM): an agent?
jim0426 (9:51:59 AM): what is intitiated?
momphalion (9:52:37 AM):
Items needed for your successful initiation
Eldgin oil
Illuminati saint
Illuminati oil
jim0426 (9:53:01 AM): where do you get these thigns?
jim0426 (9:53:04 AM): never heard of them
jim0426 (9:53:11 AM): saint?
momphalion (9:53:26 AM): There is someone who van get the items ready for you
momphalion (9:53:37 AM): You only have to pay for the items
jim0426 (9:53:48 AM): do they live near me?
jim0426 (9:53:59 AM): can i get them at the local stores ?
momphalion (9:54:06 AM): No
jim0426 (9:54:10 AM): why not?
momphalion (9:54:31 AM): Because illuminati items are not for store
momphalion (9:54:42 AM): And not used by others
momphalion (9:54:49 AM): Only for illuminati
jim0426 (9:54:51 AM): ok
9:55:25 AM: momphalion is now online
momphalion (9:56:06 AM): So are you ready to get the items
momphalion (9:56:08 AM): ?
jim0426 (9:56:24 AM): i guess
momphalion (9:56:45 AM): So you ready to pay for the items
jim0426 (9:56:58 AM): you said there was no charge to join
momphalion (9:57:07 AM): Yez
momphalion (9:57:19 AM): But you need to purchase the items
jim0426 (9:57:29 AM): ok but what do they cost?
jim0426 (9:57:35 AM): i live on a budget
momphalion (9:57:42 AM): 50$
jim0426 (9:57:50 AM): and need to make sure i have funds for that
jim0426 (9:57:54 AM): wow!that's a lot
jim0426 (9:58:02 AM):
what does that include?
momphalion (9:58:37 AM): You have to pay 50$
jim0426 (9:58:49 AM): can you ship it COD?
momphalion (9:59:06 AM): I don't understand
jim0426 (9:59:24 AM): collect on delivery
momphalion (9:59:35 AM): Ok
momphalion (9:59:47 AM): You want to pay
jim0426 (10:00:00 AM): when they deliver the things
momphalion (10:00:09 AM): Two days
jim0426 (10:00:26 AM): i need to go to the bank frist to collect funds
momphalion (10:00:42 AM): So when is that going to be
jim0426 (10:01:09 AM): today - so when the deliver the items, i can pay the delivery guy
momphalion (10:02:03 AM): No
momphalion (10:02:13 AM): You have to pay for the items first
jim0426 (10:02:31 AM): let me know the address and i'll send you a check
momphalion (10:02:59 AM): You are not the one to take the items he is the one that will take the items to the headquarters
jim0426 (10:03:11 AM): what?
jim0426 (10:03:15 AM): i don't undertand
momphalion (10:03:20 AM): So all you have to do is pay for the items
jim0426 (10:03:22 AM): who is he?
momphalion (10:03:23 AM): That all
momphalion (10:03:35 AM): He is dranmillion
jim0426 (10:03:44 AM): who is dranmillion?
momphalion (10:04:07 AM): He is the agent that will get the items ready for you
jim0426 (10:04:35 AM): im confused
momphalion (10:04:52 AM): Ok
jim0426 (10:05:05 AM): i have to buy something but it's not delivered to me?
jim0426 (10:05:11 AM): that does not sound right
jim0426 (10:05:45 AM): when do i get the 300,000$?
jim0426 (10:06:21 AM): seems like for getting that much money tey can deduct it from that amount?
momphalion (10:06:36 AM): You are the that will take the items
momphalion (10:07:06 AM): Once you join the great illuminati brotherhood
jim0426 (10:07:26 AM): so have them deduct the $50 from my first check
momphalion (10:07:41 AM): No
momphalion (10:07:43 AM): ?
momphalion (10:07:55 AM): You must pay
jim0426 (10:07:58 AM): who is sending me the 300,000 per month?
momphalion (10:08:15 AM): Illuminati
jim0426 (10:08:15 AM): just have them deduct that out of my first check
momphalion (10:08:51 AM): No
jim0426 (10:08:54 AM): $50.00 to them is nothing if they are sending out 300,000 / month to everyone
momphalion (10:09:33 AM): You must purchase the items with your money for them to know you are ready
jim0426 (10:09:48 AM): so where do i send a check?
momphalion (10:10:03 AM): You have western union
jim0426 (10:10:09 AM): no i do not
momphalion (10:10:21 AM): Money gram
momphalion (10:10:32 AM): ??
jim0426 (10:10:39 AM): nope
momphalion (10:10:46 AM): Are you on WhatsApp
jim0426 (10:11:00 AM): live out in the country - about 100 miles from nearest town
jim0426 (10:11:02 AM): what is that?
jim0426 (10:11:13 AM): what app?
momphalion (10:11:19 AM): Yes
jim0426 (10:11:30 AM): what app ?
momphalion (10:11:36 AM): Send me your number
jim0426 (10:11:41 AM): what number?
momphalion (10:11:51 AM): Your phone number
jim0426 (10:11:55 AM): what kind of app is this for
momphalion (10:12:09 AM): I mean your contact
jim0426 (10:12:11 AM): i have a rotary phone is that ok?
momphalion (10:12:18 AM): Yes
momphalion (10:12:30 AM): Can have your contact
momphalion (10:12:38 AM): Number
momphalion (10:12:39 AM): ??
jim0426 (10:12:41 AM): i would prefer to send you a check
momphalion (10:12:47 AM): Ok
momphalion (10:13:02 AM): No you use bank transfer
jim0426 (10:13:02 AM): i don't like to send money
jim0426 (10:13:15 AM): i will need your bank account information i think
momphalion (10:13:23 AM): Ok
jim0426 (10:13:27 AM): i need to go to the bank and do that
momphalion (10:13:45 AM): So when are you sending the money
momphalion (10:13:47 AM): ??
jim0426 (10:14:14 AM): i can go to the bank today - but i will need your bank information - account number and routing number to do a wire transfer
jim0426 (10:14:54 AM): i don't bank online
jim0426 (10:15:29 AM): and will need a name to go with the account to do a wire transfer at the bank
jim0426 (10:15:57 AM): hello
jim0426 (10:16:00 AM): are you there?
momphalion (10:16:11 AM): Which country you from
jim0426 (10:16:19 AM): united states
jim0426 (10:16:31 AM): where are you from?
10:17:04 AM: momphalion is now on mobile
10:18:20 AM: momphalion is now online
momphalion (10:18:24 AM): USA
momphalion (10:19:18 AM): I will send bank information to you now
momphalion (10:19:19 AM): Ok
momphalion (10:19:21 AM): ??
jim0426 (10:19:31 AM): ok
jim0426 (10:20:00 AM): need the account number, routing number, the name of the bank, who the person receiving this money
momphalion (10:20:13 AM): Ok
10:20:17 AM: momphalion is now on mobile
10:20:22 AM: momphalion is now online
jim0426 (10:20:29 AM): when i did wire transfer to my sister they wantee phone number too
momphalion (10:20:45 AM): OK
jim0426 (10:20:56 AM): also town and coutnry where bank is (the address)
jim0426 (10:21:03 AM): just put the infomation here
jim0426 (10:21:17 AM): i can then take to bank and get money sent
jim0426 (10:21:30 AM): what happens after that?
jim0426 (10:21:39 AM): you get my $50.00?
momphalion (10:21:42 AM):
Name ; Ebolo Collins
Account number
Fist bank
Nigeria zip code 110001
Bank Swift Code: FBNINGLAXXX
momphalion (10:22:06 AM): That the account information
jim0426 (10:22:30 AM): i have to drive to bank to do this
momphalion (10:22:37 AM): Ok
jim0426 (10:22:43 AM): you have the address? and phone number?
momphalion (10:22:53 AM): No need
momphalion (10:22:55 AM): Bro
momphalion (10:23:00 AM): That do that
jim0426 (10:23:04 AM): my bank will want it
10:23:54 AM: momphalion is now on mobile
10:24:31 AM: momphalion is now online
momphalion (10:24:40 AM): Ok
momphalion (10:25:53 AM): So just make the payment
momphalion (10:26:57 AM): No22 emaudo street
momphalion (10:27:28 AM): +2349067574466
10:28:52 AM: momphalion is now on mobile
10:29:52 AM: momphalion is now online
jim0426 (10:31:02 AM): Ok thanks for that
jim0426 (10:31:06 AM): what happens after this ?
jim0426 (10:31:13 AM): one they get the supplies for me?
momphalion (10:31:25 AM): You will be initiated
momphalion (10:31:35 AM): And then you become a member
jim0426 (10:31:46 AM): what happens there?
momphalion (10:31:47 AM): So you get your
jim0426 (10:31:56 AM): what is the inititiaed?
momphalion (10:32:03 AM): 1 million$
jim0426 (10:32:25 AM): what do we do at the initiated?
jim0426 (10:32:32 AM): where do i go?
jim0426 (10:32:36 AM): what do i do?
momphalion (10:32:47 AM): You don't need to go to the headquarters
momphalion (10:33:00 AM): In Washington Dc
jim0426 (10:33:02 AM): where is the headquarters by the way?
jim0426 (10:33:07 AM): cool
momphalion (10:33:10 AM): In Washington Dc
momphalion (10:33:12 AM): Ok
jim0426 (10:33:13 AM): can i go if i want?
jim0426 (10:34:00 AM): i think it would be cool to be there and see it
10:34:19 AM: momphalion is now on mobile
jim0426 (10:34:38 AM): can i bring my wife?
jim0426 (10:37:40 AM): you there?
jim0426 (10:37:44 AM): who is my sponser?
jim0426 (10:37:51 AM): or who is my agent?
10:38:13 AM: momphalion is now online
momphalion (10:38:27 AM): Dranmillion
momphalion (10:38:39 AM): Is your agent
momphalion (10:38:48 AM): Am your sponsor
jim0426 (10:40:18 AM): so can i come to washington for my inititiation?
jim0426 (10:40:36 AM): dranmillion is that his name ?
jim0426 (10:40:45 AM): how do i find him when i get there?
jim0426 (10:40:52 AM): how do i contact him?
momphalion (10:41:06 AM): Once you get the items
momphalion (10:41:11 AM): You can see
momphalion (10:41:13 AM): Him
momphalion (10:41:20 AM): First send the money
momphalion (10:41:32 AM): Let get the items ready for you
jim0426 (10:41:43 AM): ok so i need to play to travel to washington
jim0426 (10:41:58 AM): and need to make plans hotel and all
momphalion (10:42:06 AM): No
jim0426 (10:42:13 AM): why?
jim0426 (10:42:16 AM): why not?
momphalion (10:42:19 AM): You will have a free trip
momphalion (10:42:27 AM): To Washington Dc
jim0426 (10:42:28 AM): how do i find out about that?
momphalion (10:42:45 AM): And free VIP treatment in the hotek
jim0426 (10:42:55 AM): can my wife come and watch?
momphalion (10:43:11 AM): Yes
jim0426 (10:43:18 AM): but i can't tell her now?
momphalion (10:43:23 AM): No
jim0426 (10:43:26 AM): why?
jim0426 (10:43:32 AM): why is it secret?
momphalion (10:43:34 AM): Once you get the items ready first
jim0426 (10:43:46 AM): she will ask quesitons about the 50.00
momphalion (10:43:51 AM): Yes
jim0426 (10:44:00 AM): what do i tell her?
momphalion (10:44:16 AM): You tell her you invest on a business
momphalion (10:44:31 AM): That will bring more profit
jim0426 (10:44:37 AM): i need more info then about this - she has to go to bank wih me
jim0426 (10:44:44 AM): i can't drive
momphalion (10:44:48 AM): Ok
momphalion (10:45:01 AM): You know what tell her this business
momphalion (10:45:08 AM): Is world business
jim0426 (10:45:10 AM): what is the Illuninati brotherhood exactly?
10:46:06 AM: momphalion is now on mobile
jim0426 (10:46:39 AM): i have to go now
jim0426 (10:47:15 AM): i heard they make sacrifcies at the initiation - is that true?
10:47:33 AM: momphalion is now online
momphalion (10:47:51 AM): No
10:48:58 AM: momphalion is now online
momphalion (10:48:59 AM):
Money gram details
receiver country:::NIGERIA
momphalion (10:48:59 AM): Send it to this one
jim0426 (10:49:02 AM): is there a web site i can ready about it?
jim0426 (10:49:18 AM): who is deborah eromonmen?
jim0426 (10:50:42 AM): ok let me know when you get the money ok -
jim0426 (10:50:49 AM): i'll be looking for you -
jim0426 (10:50:50 AM): bye
jim0426 (10:50:50 AM): bye
then he asking about moneygram
10:51:59 AM: momphalion is now on mobile
10:54:30 AM: momphalion is now online
momphalion (10:54:47 AM): That my account details
jim0426 (10:54:59 AM): so you are Deborah?
jim0426 (10:55:09 AM): your picture looks like a man?
momphalion (10:55:24 AM): Yes
momphalion (10:55:30 AM): That my wife
momphalion (10:55:32 AM): Account
momphalion (10:55:35 AM): You have to make the payment in any money gram store around you because that will be better and faster okay
momphalion (10:55:43 AM): Money gram details EROMONMEN DEBORAH receiver country:::NIGERIA State:::EDO STATE
jim0426 (10:55:45 AM): i don't have moneygram here
im0426 (2/14/20 10:56:39 AM): what about a web site i can see info about the organization?
jim0426 (2/14/20 10:56:43 AM): and what it does?
jim0426 (2/14/20 10:56:47 AM): do you ahve a link?
momphalion (2/14/20 10:57:32 AM): Once you get to the bank tell them you want a money gram transfer
jim0426 (2/14/20 10:58:00 AM): i don't remember ever seeing money gram there
momphalion (2/14/20 10:58:14 AM): Just give them this bank information
momphalion (2/14/20 10:58:22 AM): Just go to the bank and ask
momphalion (2/14/20 10:58:23 AM): Ok
jim0426 (2/14/20 10:58:24 AM): which bank information
jim0426 (2/14/20 10:58:33 AM): i'm confused
momphalion (2/14/20 10:58:43 AM):
Money gram details
receiver country:::NIGERIA State:::EDO STATE
momphalion (2/14/20 10:58:58 AM): That the information
jim0426 (2/14/20 10:59:02 AM): that's not a bank information
momphalion (2/14/20 10:59:16 AM): Just go
jim0426 (2/14/20 10:59:17 AM): they will want an address for her
momphalion (2/14/20 10:59:30 AM): They will not
jim0426 (2/14/20 10:59:31 AM): is there an account for deboarh?
momphalion (2/14/20 10:59:41 AM): Just do as I say
jim0426 (2/14/20 10:59:41 AM): My bank will i am sure of it