Tuesday, April 5, 2016

CPR recert

i took and passed my CPR recent today - good for 2 years. have child/youth/adult certification.  was a bit of a challenge in light of what has happened in the last week and half.  when the class started, they mentioned the incident with ken and how someone came to his aid and didn't hesitate.   i let the evaluator know after her testing of me - that it was me.  she had also had similar experience.  was tough today doing that.  tomorrow is the funeral.  going to the mass only.  i hope that will let some demons loose and allow me to get some rest / sleep at night.

on the lighter side - got in a ride yesterday (3 miles or so) and then today was just on the trainer at lifetime.  i say it counts so it will count. 5 days / 5 rides.  guessing i'll miss a couple over the wilderness first aid weekend - maybe not - maybe take the fatty with!

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